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Review: Iron-Blooded Orphans HG Gundam Gusion Rebake

Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans brought with it a slew of Gunpla kits that capture its gritty, industrial feel. In 2016, a high-grade kit based on Gundam Gusion Rebake, piloted by Akihiro Altland, came out to Gunpla fans. Gunpla 101 contributor the Evil Prof wrote up his impressions after building the kit for the first time this year. Initial Impressions Let me start this review by saying I’m a Gunpla novice. So when I first saw the Iron-Blooded Orphans kits at my local comic shop, I wasn’t even aware there was a Gundam series by that name. None of these new kits looked anything like the Gundams I was familiar with. However, I have since fallen in love with the Iron-Blooded Orphans HG line of kits, and its unique, interesting designs. Initially, the HG Gundam Gusion Rebake was not high on my wish list once built, but when my wife brought it home for me, I couldn’t say no. It was time to build. Would the Gusion Rebake exceed my expectations? That’s what I
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